Saturday, January 24, 2009


Why is that my two, almost three year old can not turn to me when I call his name or listen to me when I tell him to get his shoes or get in the car, but he can manage to turn on the Xbox, get up to the games in the bookcase, put away the game that was in the tray(in the correct box), then get a new game out and successfully begin playing it (oh and did I mention the game he chose was Grand Theft Auto....Yikes).  I came into the living room to find his character wandering around a yucky apartment with inappropriate posters on the wall.  I was horrified and yelled to Shawn, to get rid of that game which I have been upset ever entered our home in the first place.  Why, Dr. Sears, do I have to remind him 100 times to not jump on the couch or not stand one foot from the TV, but he is capable of getting a rousing game of GTA going at 7am.  And why when I ask him what he is doing does he say, I like that game.


Jenn Kirk said...

Oh my gosh...Ryan and I are cracking up!

Amber, Chris, & Aiden said...

Ya little boys have minds that are very unique lol. My little boy is almost 1 yr, and prefers to crawl up to the tv and turn it off, or eat the remote over playing with his new toys. *sighs* a waste of money on new toys I tell you.