Monday, November 9, 2009


I took my blog down because I was finding myself without enough Kodak moments in my life to post. I was not sewing amazing projects, taking amazing photos, cooking amazing meals,
scrapping amazing pages, or taking my kids to amazing places. I was feeling just average. I was feeling inadequate and average and who would want to check out an average, inadequate blog. Then I discovered there is something cathartic about blogging that I did not recognize before I was awoken to my averageness. I don't want to have just Kodak moments. Life is not Kodak moments. It is work, and trials, blessing and growth. I wanted to come back and blog about my wonderfully average life. A blog is like a journal only interactive and people can actually validate or set your straight and that feels pretty great! (rhyming not intentional). So the blog is back. My average blog is back!

1 comment:

The Boulter Family said...

Hooray!!!!!! I am so happy!!!! I love your blog and was depressed when for a brief time it did not appear on line!
I think you have the cutest darn blog in the world and if your definition of being average is what you blog about; I want to be average too!
Your amazing not average!!!!!