Friday, July 11, 2008

In One Week

In one week, my Ollie will be here and we can't wait.  I am so ready to be done being pregnant, even though I am really, really nervous about my c-section.  At 6am on the 18th I will be checking in and by 7:30, my surgery will be getting started.  I can't wait to meet him.  I wonder what color hair he will have and how big he will be.  You can vote on my latest poll.  Maybe there will even be a prize for who ever is closest.  And of course as soon as we have pictures we will be posting them for all the world to see, or just our small circle of friends that checks our blog.


El Jeffe and the Girls said...

I ready to meet him!

Jay and Jess said...

We hung up just now and there are many things I didn't say...(I'm a very spacey mother and also tend to get distracted very easily!)
Congrats to you both for this upcoming adventure! I hope all goes well on Friday! It was so good to talk to you...I meant a lot to hear from you! Can't wait to see photos of precious little Oliver.

sheila said...

wow I haven't read in a while and you got busy!! Can I photo shop my picture in your little lunch? I wish I was there. You are almost there hang on!!! can't wait to see the pictures of Oliver!